Bridging U.S. and global organizations to expand nursing education capacity to serve developing regions
- Expanding Nursing Globally:
- China:Participant with China Medical Board to lead a paradigm shift in nursing education in China:
- Member, Committee on Graduate Nursing Education (COGNE) partnership with 6 US Schools of Nursing and 8 leading Chinese medical universities to enable 16 Chinese nursing faculty to complete MSN degrees.
- Team Leader, Program on Higher Nursing Education Development (POHNED), which created the first Chinese/Thai, nursing led, cooperative MSN in China, tripling the number of Master’s prepared nursing faculty
- Team leader, Baccalaureate Curriculum Reform, at Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China, that developed indigenous model BSN program based on Chinese nursing philosophy for undergraduate nursing approved by the Ministry of Health for China
- Developed international clinical faculty exchange program to expand leadership capacity
- 1993 Honorary Dean, Department of Nursing, Xi’an Medical University, Xi’an, China.
- Macau, SAR China: External Examiner, Presidential International Accrediting Team,
and Faculty Student Exchange,Macau Polytechnic Institute
- Vietnamese Nurses: Designed and led a refresher program for Vietnamese refugee nurses to be able to complete licensure and work force assimilation.
- New Independent States: Kazakstan and Sakhalin: Assessed nursing capacity and conducted Master Teaching classes as a volunteer with the American International Health Alliance for the medical and nursing school faculties.
- Kenya: Capacity Kenya: Intrahealth, NGO focusing on work force development
- Nigeria: Summer Missionary Nurse in primary care to care for children and work in Tuberculosis and Leprosy clinics
- Central America: Facilitate student and faculty global health experiences in Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua
- Mexico: Expand nursing education and research with Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Tampico, Mexico, Department of Nursing
- Thailand: Led faculty-student exchanges to advance Ph.D. preparation
- England: Partnerships for student and faculty development
- Led nursing in a 5-year interdisciplinary health care student internships with British health care organizations;
- Developed scholarship and student/faculty exchanges with Bournemouth University and Kings’ College London.
- Developing Underserved US Regions: Innovative Outreach Educational Models
- Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas Mexico Border ($2.7 million in grant funds)
- Directed Cooperative Outreach Master’s Program with The University of Texas-Houston and The University of Texas-Pan American Schools of Nursing, 1990-1995 as line item state budget funding in lower Rio Grande Valley, predominantly Hispanic underserved area along Texas-Mexico border that doubled cadre of MSNs in the area.
- Directed HRSA grant to develop first Interactive Satellite Distance Education Network between 9 hospitals and 3 schools of nursing on the Texas-Mexico border and hosted live continuing nursing education programs parlayed to 14 year state funded Rio Grande Valley Continuing Education Program.
- National Satellite Network: Academic Nurse Leader with The Health Channel National Satellite Network to host Round Table Discussions with nursing experts on nursing issues broadcast live across the US.
- Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas Mexico Border ($2.7 million in grant funds)